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Kidney Cancer Symptoms

A condition in which malignant tumors originate from the internal tissues of the kidneys. kidney cancer It is called. Tumors occur when cells that function in organs grow abnormally and rapidly. If not diagnosed early, cancer can spread throughout the body and cause serious health problems. Regular medical check-ups and healthy lifestyle changes are important in reducing risk.

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Cancer?

It can often cause blood to appear in the urine. Blood in the urine is called hematuria and is often an early sign of the disease. It can often cause pain in the lower back or sides. Pain is often felt as a chronic and ongoing discomfort. An enlarged kidney tumor can put pressure on the veins. This may cause swelling in the legs or testicles.

Some patients experience loss of appetite and may lose weight. It can weaken the body and create a feeling of constant fatigue in the patient. In rare cases, it can lead to high blood pressure. The important point to remember is that the symptoms kidney cancer It will not be limited to . If you are experiencing the above symptoms or have concerns, it is important to see a healthcare professional. Early diagnosis of such a serious disease can increase the chances of cure.

What are the Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer?

Kidney Cancer Symptoms

Smoking may increase the risk. The risk is higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Being overweight or obese may increase the risk. It has been observed that the risk is increased in patients with high blood pressure. People with a family history of the disease may have a slightly higher risk of developing the disease.

It is generally more common in people over the age of 50. The risk is slightly higher in men than in women. The risk may increase in people with diabetes. The risk may be slightly higher in people with a history of chronic kidney disease. Some medications may increase the risk. It has been particularly associated with long-term use of painkillers.

Dietary habits such as low fruit and vegetable consumption, high salt intake and inadequate fluid consumption may increase the risk. Exposure to carcinogenic substances in some occupations may increase the risk. These kidney cancer are some of the risk factors. But these factors can only increase the risk and do not definitively determine a person's likelihood of developing cancer. If you are concerned about this disease or any other health problem, it is always best to talk to your doctor.

What are the Kidney Cancer Treatment Methods?

Kidney Cancer Symptoms

The primary treatment of the disease is usually surgery. During surgery, the cancerous organ can be completely removed. This procedure is called “radical nephrectomy”. In some cases, only the cancerous tumor can be removed, which is known as a “partial nephrectomy.” Surgery is performed depending on the extent of spread of the cancer and the general health condition of the patient.

Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells. High energy radiation is also used to control growth. It may be a less common option for treating the disease, but it can be used in some cases.

Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill cells or control their growth. However, the disease is often resistant to chemotherapy. Therefore, other treatment options are more commonly preferred. Targeted therapies involve special drugs that help stop or kill cells from growing. kidney cancer treatment may vary depending on the patient's specific condition.

One or more treatment methods may be used together. The treatment plan is determined by an oncologist, taking into account the patient's medical history and the stage of the disease. The treatment plan aims to improve the patient's quality of life. It also aims to control the disease and minimize treatment side effects. As IDM dialysis center, we serve our patients with the latest technology devices in our branches. For detailed information, you can contact us via the contact number.

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