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What is hemodialysis?

What is Hemodialysis?

Hemodialysis is a life-saving treatment for patients with kidney failure. The kidneys function to cleanse the body of excess fluid and waste materials. However, sometimes these functions do not work properly and an external process such as hemodialysis may be required. Hemodialysis removes the patient's blood through a special machine, cleans it and returns it to the body. This process improves the patient's quality of life and protects their health by performing the cleaning function that the kidneys cannot perform. Hemodialysis treatment is applied by an expert team in specially designed dialysis centers.

Hemodialysis Process

The patient is connected to the hemodialysis machine via two needles. These needles allow blood to return to the machine and back to the patient. The blood is cleaned through a filter called a dialyzer in the machine. During this process, harmful substances in the blood pass into the liquid called dialysate.

Effects of Hemodialysis

Hemodialysis offers many advantages that improve the quality of life for kidney failure patients. Purified blood can increase the body's energy levels and help maintain overall health. Additionally, effective removal of toxins from the body can help prevent many complications.

Things to Consider After Hemodialysis

Patients receiving hemodialysis treatment should pay attention to their nutrition and fluid intake. Excessive fluid intake can place an extra burden on the heart and circulatory system. It is also important to limit salt, potassium and phosphorus intake. Proper nutrition during hemodialysis increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

Hemodialysis and Quality of Life

Hemodialysis not only prolongs the lives of individuals with kidney failure; It also helps them live a more active and comfortable life. Thanks to regular hemodialysis sessions, patients feel energetic, their sleep quality improves and they generally have a better quality of life.

Hemodialysis and Travel

It is possible for patients receiving hemodialysis treatment to travel. However, this requires advance planning. It is necessary to contact the dialysis centers in the destination and make a dialysis appointment at appropriate times. In this way, patients can travel without disrupting their treatment.

Hemodialysis and Diet

Diets of hemodialysis patients are of critical importance for the effectiveness of treatment. These patients need to limit their phosphorus, sodium and potassium intake. It is also important for them to pay attention to their fluid intake. Dietitians can guide patients through this process by creating special diet plans.

hemodialysis frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Hemodialysis

Generally, hemodialysis treatment is performed 3 days a week and each session lasts 3-5 hours. However, this process may vary depending on the patient's needs and the doctor's recommendations.

There is usually no pain felt during a hemodialysis session. However, a slight pain or discomfort may be felt when the needle is inserted at the access site.

 Hemodialysis patients need to limit their potassium, sodium, phosphorus and fluid intake. They should also be careful about their protein intake. It is recommended that they work with a dietitian for information and guidance on their specific diet.

Yes, hemodialysis patients can travel. However, before the trip, they need to contact the dialysis centers in their destination and plan their treatment hours.

Many patients may feel tired after hemodialysis treatment. Rest time may vary from person to person, but it is generally beneficial to rest for a few hours after treatment.
